Request Prayer

God's Word encourages us to bring all our cares to God because he cares for us. That is why we encourage everyone to pray persistently. Our elders, staff, and prayer ministers also care for you and are ready to pray for you.

Share your prayer request through the submission button below, and partner in prayer with others as you read and pray for their requests below. If you would like to remain anonymous, please enter "Anonymous" as your First Name. If you prefer your request not be displayed publicly on the web page, please un-check "yes" to allow publication on the submission form.

July 1


Please pray for our grandchildren A & E as they go with their dad for month of July. It’s very hard.😢 May God protect them and keep them safe.

July 1


Please pray for my Wife to Have PEACE and REST. She's having to work a new job and finish up her old job at the same time and She's having a difficult time. She needs some blessings and things to go right for her.

July 1


Good afternoon, wanted to humbly submit a prayer request... please pray for mercy and a miracle... thank you so much... Gratefully, Cindy

Loving, Christ-centered help is available to anyone in need.

July 1


Pls pray for all my health issues. Pray that doctors will find a cure for the pain. healing and wellness.

July 1


Please uphold me in prayer for a complete healing of my leukemia cancer, which I have been diagnosed with since 2023. I am still undergoing treatment. Thank You

June 30


We need prayer’s for reconciliation. We are under same roof, however things have not been good for a long time. They would wax and wane. Now things are coming a head and the distance is growing and the rock wall is getting to high to climb over. TY

Step into biblical community and let's follow Jesus together.

June 30


Please pray for my sister Rosa. She is in the ICU on a ventilator fighting for her life

June 30


Please pray for my beloved son in his rough times with mental illness. Lord hear my prayers for the healing of all of the negative spiritual and unwanted spiritual things in him. God in Jesus name with your wings protect my son R R in Jesus name AMEN

June 29


Hello, my name is D and I need a financial miracle. I believe Lord helped my unbelief.

June 28

Viola Cleo

Dear Jesus, please pray for supernatural power to breakthrough every obstacle, Jesus is the Door opener, open doors for me, for V B and rescue her from the pit of hell, and there is an emptiness within me, please pray for healing.

June 27


Our son's bff, B, is in critical condition due to a motorcycle accident. Please pray for him, his family and our son M who is struggling with it.

Uncover the riches of truth and wisdom found in Scripture.

June 27


For our employee he is having an affair, praying God place in his heart a way to stop it, his name is A

June 27

Viola Cleo

Dear Jesus, please pray for a supernatural power to breakthrough every obstacle and Jesus to open the door opener, and open doors for me, for V B and rescue her from the pit of hell, and there is a emptiness within me, please pray to healing.

June 27


Not part of ur church. I hope that's ok. 1. S might have Lupus, for healing if she does. 2. For J to eat more foods and sleep during the day. 3. For God to help me spiritually with my confusion and doubts.

June 25

Lale Ann

Greetings from Istanbul Turkey, 1.A new project to protect children from child trafficking. That it forms as the Lord will and nothing stops it. 2.Please pray for B B who is only 27 and has stage 4 cancer.

Express love for others daily through serving.

June 25

Lale Ann

Dear fellow servants of Jesus, greetings from Istanbul Turkey, 1.A Christian is about to begin a new business. That God’s will prevails, that the business forms and expands as the Lord wills.

June 25

Lale Ann

Dear fellow servants of Jesus, greetings from Istanbul Turkey, Please please kindly pray over: 1. Work is underway in Turkey to change the constitution and change the laws. If these new laws pass, freedom of speech will be blocked.

June 25


Please pray with me that God will open doors for employment, where he wants me to be, and that he will provide all my needs according to his riches in glory. I may have to move out of my apt. if I can't pay my rent and utilities. Thank you!

Gather with other members of the body to sing praises, celebrate communion, exercise our spiritual gifts, pray for one another, and be taught from God’s Word.

June 25


Please pray for healing from dry mouth, sensitivity of mouth, kidneys, rt knee/leg recovering from knee replacement, fungus rash on chest, face and spots elsewhere. Pain lots of it. It's been my constant companion. Pray for relief, comfort, healing.

June 24


Please Father God forgive me ML and WR for their Sins. Enlarge our Coasts and Territories. AMEN AMEN!!

June 24


Please pray for my friend, R C and his family. Three weeks ago his wife passed away. One week ago it was discovered that his son has inoperable and untreatable cancer and is now in hospice. Thank you for praying for this family.

June 24


I would ask in Christ Jesus that you all would pray for me that God our Holy Father would remove all Spiritual attachments, entities, unclean spirits, negative spirits, astral parasites, elemental beings, demonic possession, and impure spirits.

June 23


God, you are always good. Thank you for providing & protecting my family. Thank you for rescuing & repaying me for the locusts years. Thank you for my new job & fulfilling your promises. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen

Prayer fuels our relationship with God and aligns us to his will.

June 22


I am born again. I suffer with worry and anxiety and paranoia. Please pray for me.

June 22


PLEASE pray for a powerful, supernatural intervention of the Holy Spirit for healing from my scalp disorder. I’ve tried everything for 60 years. Nothing has worked so far.

June 22


Cardiac concerns and aloneness. Thank you.

June 21


Please pray for my Daughter to find God's path for her life. She quits several things due to the stress. Please pray that she hears God, sticks to His plans for her life and becomes a conqueror and finisher in Jesus Name amen.

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June 21


Please pray for the Lord to Bless my Family and Me with PEACE, Good Health and financial abundance.

June 20


Please pray for my son B, 29, he has friends who are not in their faith & very worldly. Pray God saves these friends or takes them out of his life. Pray my sons choose to rededicate their lives to Jesus. Thank you.

June 20


Please pray GOD blesses me financially so I can pay all bills and not have to worry about paying future bills. Please pray GOD blesses me with a life partner real soon. I've been praying for a life partner for 29 years.

Uncover the riches of truth and wisdom found in Scripture.

June 19


PLEASE pray for P. For her to have great physical health and what she’s going through now will be ok and an easy fix. Peace and calm for her and her two moms. Thank you so much.

June 19


Please join me in prayer for my friend JA. He is having open heart surgery this Thursday. Please also keep his family and medical team in prayer. I pray that God heals him and gives him peace and comfort. In Jesus name Amen.

June 19


Prayer for AP for healing from blocked salivary gland, swollen face by ear, right side pain. Pray nothing serious is wrong and God heals my face quickly and it heals supernatural by itself in Jesus name, Amen.

June 19


Please pray that the business crisis that I am dealing with is resolved in the best possible way. A colleague that I have done business with for 7 years has been a fraud and has disappeared deliberately. Leaving me to sift thru his deception.

June 19


Asking prayer for C as he faces finding out if he will need a transplant Monday.

Step into biblical community and let's follow Jesus together.

June 19


Please pray that God will intervene in my life to heal me of my mental illness problem through His Power and grace. I know that He can. Thank You for praying.

June 18


My cousin-in-law, D, was diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic prayer. Please pray for him and his family. Thank you.

June 17


Please pray God deliveries me from both shame and condemnation I feel from childhood abuses, traumas & abandonment by my parents. Pray God delivers me from co-dependency and helps me to learn to set healthy boundaries, especially in my marriage.

June 17


Please add C to our list for heart surgery.

Express love for others daily through serving.

June 17


I'm seeking prayers and blessing for my mother TA as she was attacked Friday night by her husband. She had to get a nose reconstruction and 20 stitches. Prayers is all we are asking for.

June 17

Lale Ann

-a developing project to protect from child trafficking. -a Christian is trying to make business deals. -Salvation of T and B. -Turkey is going through tremendous shakings. God knows what is best --- that His will prevails in everything

June 16


Please add J to our prayer list. She's been taken to the emergency with stomach issues. Thanks and blessings

Loving, Christ-centered help is available to anyone in need.

June 16


God, you are good. Thank you for my family. Please protect & provide for them. Thank you for working on my new job and repay for the locusts years & fulfilling your promises. You are the God of comebacks & new beginnings. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen

June 15


Please pray for my brother and his wife. She has asked him for a divorce and he wants to work things out. Please pray the Lord give her a heart of forgiveness and willingness to work on the marriage. They have a 3 year old daughter.

June 15


Please pray for the Lord to uplift my Son and bring him financial success so he can get married and buy a house.

June 13

Michael William

Healing for heart and won't need surgery. Salvation, also healing for grief from son R dying.

June 13


Prayer for AP. Healing for bipolar disorder, depression, and grief from brother R dying.

Prayer fuels our relationship with God and aligns us to his will.

June 13


Please pray for healing for my husband, myself, children, grandchildren. There is prostate cancer and we all have severe stomach intestinal infection and being expose to covid. Thank you.

June 13


Pray for mercy, complete healing, freedom from despair, sickness, frustration and disappointment, and that God lift me up and provide a good and godly husband for me. Pray for God's mercy and that my suffering and misery would end.

June 13


Please pray for the Lord to Bless my Family and myself with PEACE, Good Health, and financial abundance.

June 12


Please pray for healing for R, L, RJ, and J. Thanks and blessings

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June 11


Kindly please pray for healing of my schizophrenia illness, especially the hell of psychotic and distressing noise of cars constantly bearing down on me, suffered for years now.

June 11


Asking prayers for KM, he lost his friend this weekend due to a heart attack. Please pray for him and for his own salvation.

June 11


Jesus, we need your miracle. I ask to heal my marriage and my wife's trauma. Jesus let Your Holy Spirit bless our marriage. Jesus return Your Joy to the union You created. Jesus, wipe our tears away and protect our son. Jesus, protect us from those who hurt us.

Gather with other members of the body to sing praises, celebrate communion, exercise our spiritual gifts, pray for one another, and be taught from God’s Word.

June 11


Please pray for the Lord to Help me, Guide me and Give me PEACE in my Work situation.

June 10


Asking prayers for my friend C. She can’t seem to lose feelings and get away from a guy who is not good for her. I’m asking that she’s set free and has an instant clean break and no communication ever again.

June 10


Please pray for me. I'm in a stronghold of the devil and need Jesus to cleanse me. I feel an evil presence trying to stop me from turning my life over to Jesus Christ. A lustful spirit that won't let me go, especially as I grow in faith.

June 9


Please pray that Mexico doesn't become communist. There is a lot of fear this will happen with the latest election.

June 9


Please pray for healing from Parkinson's and for the Lord's strength to help my husband to take care of me.

Step into biblical community and let's follow Jesus together.

June 9


God, you are always good. Thank you for working in my new job and delivering me of this dead end of unemployment, thank you for fulfill your promises. Thank you for provide & protect my family. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

June 9


C, my 10 year old grandson. Please Jesus, fill C with your love and let him know he is missed and loved by his mommy and Mimi. Please help this situation Jesus.

June 9


Please pray for my family as we lost a young family member from gun violence. I ask for peace, comfort, healing, and justice.

June 9


Please pray for my health. I have terrible stomach pain. Doctors are unable to determine a cause nor cure. Please pray for a cure and relief.

Receive weekly text messages on your mobile device to encourage and inspire you throughout the week.

June 7


Please pray for my faith to be strengthened. I am discouraged from the financial situation that I’m in. I been unemployed too long. I’m an education graduate. I’m 25 years with no job or man. Please pray for me to get someone who can uplift me & love me.

June 7


Please pray for me to get a teaching job. It has been 7 months unemployed. I really need a financial breakthrough. Please break the chains on my life. Please also pray for my mom & her sister. Her sister has cancer & is in hospital. Her leg is currently swollen.

June 7


My dad is 91 with advanced Alzheimer’s/dementia and several health issues. Right now he’s not stable & don't know whether to “do not resuscitate” for him or not. Pray the Lord guides my decisions. I want Gods will. Thank you.

Gather with other members of the body to sing praises, celebrate communion, exercise our spiritual gifts, pray for one another, and be taught from God’s Word.