
The Oak Hills Church Care Ministry offers resources and support to those going through difficult seasons. Our ministry offers general pastoral care and guidance from God’s Word through groups, classes, workshops, events, and care visits.

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Resources for Pornography Addiction

If you're struggling with pornography addiction, take your next step toward recovery, healing, and freedom.

Re:GenerationCovenant EyesBe Broken Ministries

Request a Care Visit

If you or someone you love are experiencing a time of hospitalization, in-home care, hospice care, or are home-bound, please let us know. It's our privilege to visit, affirm, and pray for those in our Oak Hills Church family who are in a place of need. 
Please email Steve Doss, Congregational Care Ministry Leader, to let us know how we can help.

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Recovery in Christ when life is broken.

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Find Grief Support

If you have recently lost a loved one, your Oak Hills Church family is here to support you, celebrate their life with you, and walk alongside you through this season of grief. 
Resources for grief and loss include personal guidance, coaching, grief seminars, and groups.
Oak Hills Church is also available to host memorials/funerals or provide officiants (pending facility/personal schedule availability).
Email the OHC Volunteer Care Team for more information.

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Care Support

Our Care Team provides emotional and spiritual encouragement to those feeling isolated due to being hospitalized or homebound. If you live in the San Antonio area, and could use care support, please fill out the form in the link below and an Oak Hills Church Care Team volunteer will make contact to determine how we can care for you.

Request Form

Counseling Referrals

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Care Webpage Inquiry Entry

Please complete the form below and your request will be forwarded to the Adult Ministry. Please allow 2-3 office days for a response.