Cleaning House
Cleaning House: Getting Rid of the Junk and Reclaiming Freedom
Cleaning house is probably not your idea of the perfect day. The problem is, if we don’t clean, we quickly find ourselves in a big mess. Like our homes, cars, and offices our hearts and minds tend to accumulate junk that isn’t necessarily helpful or good. We can’t grow closer to God and become more like Jesus when our hearts are cluttered and dirty. To reclaim freedom, we need to critically examine the condition of our soul and get rid of the habits and attitudes that weigh us down and rob us of the love, joy, and peace God intends for his children. We do this by inviting Jesus to clean house, to search our hearts and minds, and do what only he can: get rid of the junk and reclaim freedom.
Join us in this eight-week study as we examine the things in our lives that promise freedom but never deliver and engage in spiritual practices that help us hear from God.
Study Sheet: Download PDF