Study Tools

Series Title: Searching for Springtime

Winter comes to each of us at some time. Some winters are global, some personal, but all are powerful. Try as we might to button our coats and lean into the wind, the heartiest among us can fall. The wind is too strong. Nights are too long and the question is all too common: will this winter ever pass? Is God near? Does he know about my winter? Does he care? When God seems silent, is he?

The story of Esther reveals this truth: though God may be quiet, he is quietly at work. There are times when we don’t see his hand, but Esther gives us this confidence: God is in the details. The details of protection. Deliverance. Hope. The winter of the soul won’t last forever. It’s a compelling story for the emotionally weary, for the person who feels outnumbered by foes, outmaneuvered by fate, and outdone by fear. It’s a reminder that God, in his kind providence, hears all the prayers of all the souls who are stuck in an Arctic February. Join us for our 12-week study through the Book of Esther this fall, September 12/13 - November 28/29. Together, we’ll be Searching for Springtime.