Discover the Job or Career Meant for You – Make Your Splash
Saturday | 2:00 PM

STARTING SEPTEMBER 2025!!! Calling job seekers! Yes, our jobs help pay the bills. Yet do you know your job is actually God’s way of positioning you in His chosen river(s) of influence? You are called to work and live your life in a specific sphere of society needing the power of God flowing through it. This 12-week online study will take you on a journey to discover God’s calling and occupation. We will be using the book, Make Your Splash, by Laura Harris Smith and Christopher Lee Smith. // Are you ready to dedicate the time and effort needed to step into God's chosen job? The study will begin September 6th through November 22nd. We will meet online every Saturday, 2pm CT USA, for 12 weeks. There will be assignments to complete between sessions. A resume and budget will also be done. Costs will include the book and a DISC personality/career match report (~$75). Sign up soon. Minimum enrollment is eight, with the maximum at twelve. The group welcomes both men and women, and couples, age 18 and over. CONTACT THE GROUP LEADERS TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT. See you at the riverfront, ready to Make Your Splash!


Maximize Your Career Choice & Cultural Impact by Discovering Your Spiritual Personality and River(s) of Influence

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Group Type
Adult Only
Leader Names
Sharon Benedict
Connie Morrow

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